PUBLICATIONS Papers and book chapters, etc. |
Google Scholar Citations:
• Selected papers:
- Li T, He J, Cao H, Zhang Y, Chen J, Xiao Y*, Huang S-Y*. All-atom RNA structure determination from cryo-EM maps. Nature Biotechnology, 2024, [link] [pdf] [Software]
- Lin P, Tao H, Li H, Huang S-Y.* Protein-protein contact prediction by geometric triangle-aware protein language models. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023;5:1275–1284. [link] [pdf] [Software]
Li T, Cao H, He J, Huang S-Y*. Automated detection and de novo structure modeling of nucleic acids from cryo-EM maps. Nature Communications, 2024;15(1):9367.
- Lin P, Yan Y, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* Deep transfer learning for inter-chain contact predictions of transmembrane protein complexes. Nature Communications, 2023;14:4935. [link] [Software]
- He J, Li T, Huang S-Y.* Improvement of cryo-EM maps by simultaneous local and non-local deep learning. Nature Communications, 2023;14:3217. [link] [Software]
- He J, Lin P, Chen J, Cao H, Huang S-Y.* Model building of protein complexes from intermediate-resolution cryo-EM maps with deep learning-guided automatic assembly. Nature Communications, 2022;13:4066. [link] [Software]
- Lei E,# Tao H,# Jiao S,# Yang A, Zhou Y, Wang M, Wen K, Wang Y, Chen Z, Chen X, Song J, Zhou C, Huang W, Xu L, Guan D, Tan C, Liu H, Cai Q, Zhou K, Modica J, Huang S-Y,* Huang W,* Feng X.* Potentiation of Vancomycin: Creating Cooperative Membrane Lysis through a "Derivatization-for-Sensitization" Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022;144(23):10622-10639. link
- Yan Y,# Tao H,# He J, Huang S-Y.* The HDOCK server for integrated protein-protein docking. Nature Protocols, 15: 1829-1852, 2020. [link] [Software]
He J,# Wang J,# Tao H, Xiao Y*, Huang S-Y.* HNADOCK: a nucleic acid docking server for modeling RNA/DNA-RNA/DNA 3D complex structures. Nucleic Acids Research, 47: W35-W42, 2019. [Online] [Server]
Zhou P, Jin B, Li H, Huang S-Y.* HPEPDOCK: a web server for blind peptide-protein docking based on a hierarchical algorithm. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: W443-W450, 2018. link
Yan Y, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* HSYMDOCK: a docking web server for predicting the structure of protein homo-oligomers with Cn or Dn symmetry. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: W443-W450, 2018. link
Yan Y,# Wen Z,# Zhang D, Huang S-Y.* Determination of an effective scoring function for RNA–RNA interactions with a physics-based double-iterative method. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: e56, 2018. link
Yan Y, Zhang D, Zhou P, Li B, Huang S-Y.* HDOCK: a web server for protein-protein and protein-DNA/RNA docking based on a hybrid strategy. Nucleic Acids Research, 45: W365-373, 2017. link
• All publications:
Li T, He J, Cao H, Zhang Y, Chen J, Xiao Y*, Huang S-Y*. All-atom RNA structure determination from cryo-EM maps. Nature Biotechnology, 2024,
Li T, Cao H, He J, Huang S-Y*. Automated detection and de novo structure modeling of nucleic acids from cryo-EM maps. Nature Communications, 2024;15(1):9367.
Wu Q, Huang S-Y*. XDock: A General Docking Method for Modeling Protein-Ligand and Nucleic Acid-Ligand Interactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2024 Dec 23;64(24):9563-9575. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c00855.
- Lin P, Li H, Huang S-Y*. Deep learning in modeling protein complex structures: From contact prediction to end-to-end approaches. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2024, 85:102789. [pdf].
- Lin P, Tao H, Li H, Huang S-Y.* Protein-protein contact prediction by geometric triangle-aware protein language models. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023;5:1275–1284. [link] [pdf] [Software]
- Zhao X, Li H, Zhang K, Huang S-Y.* Iterative Knowledge-Based Scoring Function for Protein-Ligand Interactions by Considering Binding Affinity Information. Journal of the Physical Chemistry B, 2023, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c04421.[link] [Software]
- Lin P, Yan Y, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* Deep transfer learning for inter-chain contact predictions of transmembrane protein complexes. Nature Communications, 2023;14:4935. [link] [Software]
- He J, Li T, Huang S-Y.* Improvement of cryo-EM maps by simultaneous local and non-local deep learning. Nature Communications, 2023;14:3217. [link] [Software]
- Wu Q, Huang S-Y.* HCovDock: an efficient docking method for modeling covalent protein-ligand interactions. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023;24(1):bbac559. [link] [Software]
- He J, Lin P, Chen J, Cao H, Huang S-Y.* Model building of protein complexes from intermediate-resolution cryo-EM maps with deep learning-guided automatic assembly. Nature Communications, 2022;13:4066. [link] [Software]
- Lei E,# Tao H,# Jiao S,# Yang A, Zhou Y, Wang M, Wen K, Wang Y, Chen Z, Chen X, Song J, Zhou C, Huang W, Xu L, Guan D, Tan C, Liu H, Cai Q, Zhou K, Modica J, Huang S-Y,* Huang W,* Feng X.* Potentiation of Vancomycin: Creating Cooperative Membrane Lysis through a "Derivatization-for-Sensitization" Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022;144(23):10622-10639. link
- Tao H, Zhao X, Zhang K, Lin P, Huang S-Y.* Docking cyclic peptides formed by a disulfide bond through a hierarchical strategy. Bioinformatics, 2022;38(17):4109-4116. link
- Lin P, Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* DeepHomo2.0: improved protein-protein contact prediction of homodimers by transformer-enhanced deep learning. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022:bbac499. [link] [Software]
- Zhang J, Li H, Zhao X, Wu Q, Huang S-Y.* Holo Protein Conformation Generation from Apo Structures by Ligand Binding Site Refinement. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2022;62(22):5806-5820. link
- Li H, Huang E, Zhang Y, Huang S-Y,* Xiao Y.* HDOCK update for modeling protein-RNA/DNA complex structures. Protein Science, 2022;31(11):e4441. [link] [Server]
- Tao H, Wu Q, Zhao X, Lin P, Huang S-Y.* Efficient 3D conformer generation of cyclic peptides formed by a disulfide bond. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2022;14(1):26. [link] [Software]
- Guo L,# He J,# Lin P, Huang S-Y,* Wang J.* TRScore: a three-dimensional RepVGG-based scoring method for ranking protein docking models. Bioinformatics, 2022: btac120. link
- Yang A, Tao H, Szymczak LC, Lin L, Song J, Wang Y, Bai S, Modica J, Huang S-Y,* Mrksich M,* Feng X.* Efficient Enzymatic Incorporation of Dehydroalanine Based on SAMDI-Assisted Identification of Optimized Tags for OspF/SpvC. ACS Chemical Biology, 2022; 17(2):414-425. link
- Li H, Yan Y, Zhao X, Huang S-Y.* Inclusion of Desolvation Energy into Protein-Protein Docking through Atomic Contact Potentials. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2022; 62(3)
- Feng Y, Yan Y, He J, Tao H, Wu Q, Huang S-Y.* Docking and scoring for nucleic acid-ligand interactions: Principles and current status. Drug Discovery Today, 2022; 27(3):838-847. link
- Hu F, Song D, Yan Y, Huang C, Shen C, Lan J, Cheng Y, Liu A, Wu Q, Sun L, Xu F, Hu F, Chen L, Luo X, Feng Y, Huang S-Y, Hu J,* Wang G.* IL-6 regulates autophagy and chemotherapy resistance by promoting BECN1 phosphorylation. Nature Communications, 12(1):3651, 2021. link
- He J, Huang S-Y.,* Full-length de novo protein structure determination from cryo-EM maps using deep learning. Bioinformatics, 2021;37(20):3480–3490. [link] [Software]
- Feng Y, Zhang K, Wu Q, Huang S-Y.* NLDock: a Fast Nucleic Acid-Ligand Docking Algorithm for Modeling RNA/DNA-Ligand Complexes. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2021;61(9):4771-4782. [link] [Software]
- He J, Huang S-Y.* EMNUSS: a deep learning framework for secondary structure annotation in cryo-EM maps. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021;22(6):bbab156. [link] [Software]
- Lensink MF, ..., Yan Y, Li H, Lin P, Huang S-Y, ..., Wodak SJ. Prediction of protein assemblies, the next frontier: The CASP14-CAPRI experiment. Proteins, 2021;89(12):1800-1823. link
- Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* Accurate prediction of inter-protein residue–residue contacts for homo-oligomeric protein complexes. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021;22(5):bbab038. [link] [Software]
- Ma Z, Huang S-Y, Cheng F, Zou X.* Identification of Inhibitors and Prediction of Ligand Selectivity for Multiple Proteins: Application to Protein Kinases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125: 2288-2298, 2021. link
- Li H, Huang S-Y.* Protein-protein docking with interface residue restraints. Chinese Physics B, 30: 018703, 2021. link
- Huang D, Tao H, Wu Q, Huang S-Y,* Xiao Y.* Modeling of the Long-Term Epidemic Dynamics of COVID-19 in the United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021;18(14):7594. link
- Yan Y,# Tao H,# He J, Huang S-Y.* The HDOCK server for integrated protein-protein docking. Nature Protocols, 15: 1829-1852, 2020. [link] [Software]
Wen Z, He J, Huang S-Y.* Topology-independent and global protein structure alignment through an FFT-based algorithm. Bioinformatics, 36: 478-486, 2020. link
- He J, Tao H, Yan Y, Huang S-Y.*, Xiao Y.* Molecular Mechanism of Evolution and Human Infection with SARS-CoV-2. Viruses, 12: 428, 2020 link
- Feng Y, Huang S-Y. ITScore-NL: An Iterative Knowledge-Based Scoring Function for Nucleic Acid-Ligand Interactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60(12):6698-6708, 2020. [link] [Software]
- Tao H,# Zhang Y,# Huang S-Y.* Improving Protein-Peptide Docking Results via Pose Clustering and Rescoring with a Combined Knowledge-Based and MM-GBSA Scoring Function. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60: 2377-2387, 2020. link
- Yan Y, He J, Feng Y, Lin P, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* Challenges and opportunities of automated protein-protein docking: HDOCK server vs human predictions in CAPRI Rounds 38-46. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 88: 1055-1069, 2020. link
- Yan Y, Huang, S-Y.* Modeling Protein–Protein or Protein–DNA/RNA Complexes Using the HDOCK Webserver. Methods in molecular biology, 2165: 217-229, 2020. link
Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* Pushing the accuracy limit of shape complementarity for protein-protein docking. BMC Bioinformatics, 20: 696, 2019. link
He J,# Wang J,# Tao H, Xiao Y*, Huang S-Y.* HNADOCK: a nucleic acid docking server for modeling RNA/DNA-RNA/DNA 3D complex structures. Nucleic Acids Research, 47: W35-W42, 2019. [Online] [Server]
He J, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* Protein-ensemble-RNA docking by efficient consideration of protein flexibility through homology models. Bioinformatics, 35: 4994-5002, 2019. link
Wen Z, He J, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* PepBDB: a comprehensive structural database of biological peptide-protein interactions. Bioinformatics, 35: 175-177, 2019. link
Zhang Y, Huang S-Y.* Exploring the Binding Mechanism and Dynamics of EndoMS/NucS
to Mismatched dsDNA. Int J Mol Sci, 20: 5142, 2019 link
Zhang Y, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* Dynamics and Mechanisms in the Recruitment and Transference of Histone Chaperone CIA/ASF1. Int J Mol Sci, 20: 3325, 2019. link
Wang X, Huang S-Y.* Integrating bonded and nonbonded potentials in the knowledge-based scoring function for protein structure prediction. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59: 3080-3090, 2019. link
Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* A non-redundant benchmark for symmetric protein docking. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2: 92-99, 2019. link
Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* CHDOCK: a hierarchical docking approach for modeling Cn symmetric homo-oligomeric complexes. Biophysics Reports, 5: 65-72, 2019. link
Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* Protein-Protein Docking with Improved Shape Complementarity. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 600-605, 2018. link
Zhou P, Jin B, Li H, Huang S-Y.* HPEPDOCK: a web server for blind peptide-protein docking based on a hierarchical algorithm. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: W443-W450, 2018. link
Yan Y, Tao H, Huang S-Y.* HSYMDOCK: a docking web server for predicting the structure of protein homo-oligomers with Cn or Dn symmetry. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: W443-W450, 2018. link
Zhou P, Li B, Yan Y, Jin B, Wang L, Huang S-Y.* Hierarchical Flexible Peptide Docking by Conformer Generation and Ensemble Docking of Peptides. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58: 1292-1302, 2018. link
Yan Y,# Wen Z,# Zhang D, Huang S-Y.* Determination of an effective scoring function for RNA–RNA interactions with a physics-based double-iterative method. Nucleic Acids Research, 46: e56, 2018. link
Wang X, Zhang D, Huang S-Y.* New Knowledge-Based Scoring Function with Inclusion of Backbone Conformational Entropies from Protein Structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58: 724-732, 2018. link
Wang X, Huang S-Y.* Optimizing the atom types of proteins through iterative knowledge-based potentials. Chinese Physics B, 27: 20503-020503, 2018. link
Yan Y, Huang S-Y.* RRDB: A comprehensive and nonredundant benchmark for RNA-RNA docking and scoring. Bioinformatics, 34: 453-458, 2018. link
Yan Y, Zhang D, Huang S-Y.* Efficient conformational ensemble generation of
protein-bound peptides. Journal of Cheminformatics, 9: 59, 2017. link
Yan Y, Zhang D, Zhou P, Li B, Huang S-Y.* HDOCK: a web server for protein-protein and protein-DNA/RNA docking based on a hybrid strategy. Nucleic Acids Research, 45: W365-373, 2017. link
Huang S-Y.* Comprehensive assessment of flexible-ligand docking algorithms: current effectiveness and challenges. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 19: 982-994, 2017. link
Yan Y, Wen Z, Wang X, Huang S-Y.* Addressing recent docking challenges: A hybrid strategy to integrate template-based and free protein-protein docking. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 85: 497-512, 2017. link
Lensink MF, Velankar S, Kryshtafovych A, Huang S-Y, Schneidman-Duhovny D, …, Wodak SJ. Prediction of homo- and hetero-protein complexes by protein docking and template-based modeling: a CASP-CAPRI experiment. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 84: 323-348, 2016. link
Huang, S.-Y.*, Li, M., Wang, J., Pan, Y. HybridDock: A Hybrid Protein–Ligand Docking Protocol Integrating Protein-and Ligand-Based Approaches. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 56: 1078–1087, 2016. link
Huang, S.-Y.* Exploring the potential of global protein–protein docking: an overview and critical assessment of current programs for automatic ab initio docking. Drug Discovery Today, 20: 969-977, 2015. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. A knowledge-based scoring function for protein-RNA interactions derived from a statistical mechanics-based iterative method. Nucleic Acids Research, 42: e55, 2014. link
Lensink, M.F., Moal, I.H., …, Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X., ... Blind prediction of interfacial water positions in CAPRI. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 82: 620-632, 2014. link
Huang, S.-Y.* Search strategies and evaluation in protein-protein docking: principles, advances and challenges. Drug Discovery Today, 19: 1081-1096, 2014. link
Huang, S.-Y., Yan, C., Grinter, S.Z., Chang, S., Jiang, L., Zou X. Inclusion of the orientational entropic effect and low-resolution experimental information for protein-protein docking in Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI). Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 81: 2183-2191, 2013. link
Huang, S.-Y.,* Springer, G.K. How the “Folding Funnel” Depends on Size and Structure of Proteins? A View from the Scoring Function Perspective. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 18: 462-468, 2013. link
Grinter, S.Z., Yan, C., Huang, S.-Y., Jiang, L., Zou, X. Automated Large-Scale File Preparation, Docking, and Scoring: Evaluation of ITScore and STScore Using the 2012 Community Structure-Activity Resource Benchmark. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 53: 1905-1914, 2013. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. ITScorePro – An efficient scoring program for evaluating the energy scores of protein structures. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ), 1137: 71-81, 2013. link
Moretti, R., Fleishman, S.J., …, Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X., ... Community-wide evaluation of methods for predicting the effect of mutations on protein-protein interactions. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 81: 1980-1987, 2013. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. A nonredundant structure dataset for benchmarking protein-RNA computational docking. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 34: 311-318, 2013. [Cover Article] link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Scoring and lessons learned with the CSAR benchmark using an improved iterative knowledge-based scoring function. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 51: 2097-2106, 2011. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Construction and Test of Ligand Decoy Sets Using MDock: Community Structure Activity Resource Benchmarks for Binding Mode Prediction. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 51: 2107-2114, 2011. link
Fleishman, S. J., Whitehead, T. A., …, Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X., Wodak, S. J., Janin, J., Baker, D. Community-wide assessment of protein-interface modeling suggests improvements to design methodology. Journal of Molecular Biology, 414: 289-302, 2011. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Statistical mechanics-based method to extract atomic distance-dependent potentials from protein structures. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 79: 2648-2661, 2011. link
Rockey, W. M., Hernandez, F. J., Huang, S.-Y., Cao, S., et al. Rational truncation of an RNA aptamer to prostate-specific membrane antigen using computational structural modeling. Nucleic acid therapeutics, 21: 299-314, 2011. link
Grinter, S. Z., Liang, Y., Huang, S.-Y., Hyder, S. M., Zou, X. An inverse docking approach for identifying new potential anti-cancer targets. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 29: 795-799, 2011. link
Zhang, G., Huang, S.-Y., Yang, J., Shi, J., Yang, X., Moller, A., Zou, X., Cui, J. Ion sensing in the RCK1 domain of BK channels. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA, 107: 18700-18705, 2010. link
Wang FH, TU YF, Sang JP, Huang SY, Zou XW, Aspect ratio-dependent optical properties of Ni-P/AAO nano-array composite structure. Journal of Material Science, 45: 3735-3740, 2010. link
Tu YF, Huang SY, Sang JP, Zou XW, Preparation of Fe-doped TiO2 nanotube arrays and their photocatalytic activities under visible light. Materials Research Bulletin, 45: 224-229, 2010. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. MDockPP: A hierarchical approach for protein-protein docking and its application to CAPRI rounds 15-19. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 78: 3096-3103, 2010. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Inclusion of solvation and entropy in the knowledge-based scoring function for protein-ligand interactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 50: 262-273, 2010. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Advances and challenges in protein-ligand docking. International Journal of Molecular Science, 11: 3016-3034, 2010. link
Huang, S.-Y., Grinter, S.Z., Zou, X. Scoring functions and their evaluation methods for protein-ligand docking: recent advances and future directions. Physical Chemisty Chemical Physics, 12: 12899-908, 2010. link
Yu T, Zou XQ, Huang SY, Zou XW, Cutoff variation induces different topological properties: a new discovery of amino acid network within protein, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 256: 408-413, 2009. link
Tu YF, Huang SY, Sang JP, Zou XW, Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of Sn-doped TiO2 nanotube arrays. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482: 382-387, 2009. link
Liu YF, Wang FH, Guo DL, Huang SY, Sang JP, Zou XW, Effects of heat treatment on optical absorption properties of Ni-P/AAO nano-array composite structure. Applied Physics A, 97: 677-681, 2009. link
Liu YF, Tu YF, Huang SY, Sang JP, Zou XW, Effect of etch-treatment upon the intensity and peak position of photoluminescence spectra for anodic aluminum films with ordered nanopore array. Journal of Material Science, 44: 3370-3375, 2009. link
Huang, S.-Y., Bolser, D., Liu, H.-Y., Hwang, T.-C., Zou, X. Molecular modeling of the heterodimer of human CFTR's nucleotide-binding domains using a protein-protein docking approach. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 27: 822-828, 2009. link
Zhu XL, Zou XW, Shao ZG, Huang SY, and Sang JP. Homogeneity of load distribution plays a key role in global synchronizability of complex networks. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 77: 014001 2008. link
Zhu XL, Sang JP, Wang LL, Huang SY, Zou XW,. Structure and synchronizability of cobweb-like networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387: 6646-56, 2008. link
Zhang, L.Q., Adyshev, D.M., Singleton, P., Li, H., Cepeda, J., Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X., et al. Interactions between PBEF and oxidative stress proteins - A potential new mechanism underlying PBEF in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury. FEBS Letters, 582: 1802-1808, 2008. link
Tu YF, Wei RB, Sang JP, Huang SY, Zou XW. Alternating morphology transitions in crystallization of NH4Cl on agar plates. Physical Revew E, 77: 041601, 2008. link
Tu YF, Chao XH, Sang JP, Huang SY, Zou XW. Thin-layer electrodeposition of Zn in the agar gel medium. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387: 4007, 2008. link
Jia SF, Tu YF, Wei RB, Huang SY, Sang JP, Zou XW, Microstructure, composition analysis and formation mechanism of Pb-Sn multilayered film synthesized by thin layer electrochemical deposition. Materials Science and Technology , 24: 947-980, 2008. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. An iterative knowledge-based scoring function for protein-protein recognition. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 72: 557-579, 2008. link
Guo DL, Fan LX, Sang JP, Wang FH, Huang SY, Zou XW, Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Bragg Stacks as Chemical Sensors. Journal of Chemical Physics, 112: 17952-17956, 2008. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Ensemble docking of multiple protein structures: Considering protein structural variations in molecular docking. Proteins: Structure Function, and Bioinformatics, 66: 399-421, 2007. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Efficient molecular docking of NMR structures: Application to HIV-1 protease. Protein Science, 16: 43-51, 2007. link
Zou XW, Dong SX, and Huang SY. Effect of residue mutation on the electrostatic potential in EcClC. Journal of Wuhan University (Nat Sci Ed), 12: 1029-1033, 2007. link
Zhang W, Huang SY, Yu T, Zou X, Investigation of highly designable dented structures in HP model with hydrogen bond energy. Journal of Wuhan University (Nat Sci Ed), 12: 1034-1038, 2007. link
Yu T, Sun ZB, Sang JP, Huang SY, Zou XW, Structural class tendency of polypeptide: a new conception in predicting protein structural class, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 386: 581-589, 2007. link
Guo DL, Fan LX, Sang JP, Liu YF, Huang SY, Zou XW, Fabrication of a regular tripod Ni-P nanorod array and an AAO template with regular branched nanopores using a current-controlled branching method. Nanotechnology , 18: 405304, 2007. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. An iterative knowledge-based scoring function to predict protein-ligand interactions: II. Validation of the scoring function. Journal of Computational Chemistry , 27: 1876-1882, 2006. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. An iterative knowledge-based scoring function to predict protein-ligand interactions: I. Derivation of interaction potentials. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 27: 1866-1875, 2006. link
Gatto, C., Helms, J. B., Prasse, M. C., Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X., Arnett, K. L., Milanick, M. A. Similarities and differences between organic cation inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase and PMCA. Biochemistry, 45: 13331-13345, 2006. link
Shao, Z.-G., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Deposition, diffusion, and aggregation on small-world networks: a model for nanostructure growth on the defective substrate. Physics Letters A, 331: 105-109, 2004. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Shao, Z.-G., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Particle-cluster aggregation on a small-world network. Physical Review E, 69: 067104, 2004. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Shao, Z.-G., Jin, Z.-Z. Critical behavior of efficiency dynamics in small-world networks. Physical Review E, 68: 016107, 2003. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Network-induced nonequilibrium phase transition in the "game of Life". Physical Review E, 67: 026107, 2003. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Zhang, W., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Self-attracting walk on nonuniform substrates. Modern Physics Letters B, 16:449-457, 2002. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Huang, S.-Y., Zhang, W., Jin, Z.-Z. Patterns of particle distribution in multiparticle systems by random walks with memory enhancement and decay. Physical Review E, 66: 011101, 2002. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Random walk with memory enhancement and decay. Physical Review E, 65: 041101, 2002. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Particle-cluster aggregation with repulsive interactions on nonuniform substrates. Physics Letters A, 297: 242-246, 2002. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Deposition, diffusion, and aggregation on Leath percolation: A model for nanostructure growth on nonuniform substrate. Physical Review B , 65: 235403, 2002. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Zhang, W.-B., Jin, Z.-Z. Random walk on a (2+1)-dimensional deformable medium. Physical Review Letters, 88: 056102, 2002. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Short-time critical dynamics in two-dimensional vapor-liquid transition. Physics Letters A, 297:105-109, 2002. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Jin, Z.-Z. Multiparticle random walks on a deformable medium. Physical Review E, 66: 041112, 2002. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Jin, Z.-Z. Directed random walks in continuous space. Physical Review E, 65: 052105, 2002. link
Tan, Z.-J., Zou, X.-W., Huang, S.-Y., Jin, Z.-Z. Diffusion-limited aggregation on nonuniform substrates. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 70: 3251-3254, 2001. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Particle-cluster aggregation by randomness and directive correlation of particle motion. Physics Letters A, 292: 141-145, 2001. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Influence of the long-range interaction on the energy localization in 1D chain with an impurity. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 296: 426-436, 2001. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Early dynamics of the potential energy evolution in two-dimensional gas-liquid phase transition. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13: 7343-7352, 2001. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Tan, Z.-J., Jin, Z.-Z. Determination of the vapor-liquid critical point from the short-time dynamics. Modern Physics Letters B, 15: 369-374, 2001. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Zhang, W.-B., Jin, Z.-Z. Molecular dynamics simulation of the energy localization of an impurity solved in 1D lattice. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 284: 231-240, 2000. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X.-W., Zhang, W.-B., Jin, Z.-Z. Influence of repulsive and attractive potentials on the energy localization in 1D Morse lattice with an impurity. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69: 2900-2904, 2000. link
Huang, S.-Y., Zhang, W.-B., D. Ren, Jin, Z.-Z., Zou, X.-W. Local energy excitation in one-dimension-chain with an impurity molecule. Journal of Wuhan University (Nature Science Edition), 45: 347-350, 1999.
Book chapters:
Huang, S.-Y., Zou, X. Mean-force scoring functions for protein-ligand binding. Annual Report in Computational Chemistry, vol. 6, pp. 280-296, Edited by: R. A. Wheeler (Elsevier Ltd., 2010). link
Huang, S.-Y., Zhang, W.-B., Zou, X.-W., Diffusion of a particle on a deformable plane. in Progress in Liquid Physics (2001), pp.107-110, edited by K.-Q. Lu, and H.-R Ma, (Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, Shanghai, 2001).
Zhang, W.-B., Zou, X.-W., H. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Li, Huang, S.-Y., Dynamic heterogeneous structure relaxation of supercooled liquid. in Progress in Liquid Physics (II), pp.111-115, edited by K.-Q Lu, and X.-W. Zou, (Wuhan University Press, Wuhan, 2000).